Research presented at an IEC conference showed that during the next 40 years the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that meat production will have to grow by a huge 75% to meet the demand for animal protein.
Eggs offer an excellent alternative; they are a high quality source of animal protein, rich in vitamins and nutrients. Egg production has a very low carbon footprint in comparison to beef and pork, and eggs have the added benefit of being a more affordable option for consumers. A win-win option: good quality and affordable – more environmentally sustainable.
Dr Imke de Boer from Wageningen University in The Netherlands has carried out research into the carbon footprint of the egg industry; she presented her findings to the IEC, and explained that eggs have a very low carbon footprint. As well as being good for people’s health, eggs are also a good option for the environment.

Every time you eat a meal containing eggs, as well as knowing that you are looking after your own wellbeing, you can take pride knowing that you are also helping those less fortunate than yourself. Profits from egg businesses are being used to fund community and environmental projects around the globe, including schools, sports projects and providing food for millions of starving people.

Below is a list of just some of the community and environmental projects that egg businesses have been involved with and helped during the past three years:

  • Setting up schools in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
  • The creation of a remarkable environmental building in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, which works to neutralise the CO2 emissions of employees’ cars.
  • A forest improvement project in Japan.
  • Funding for Hawke’s Bay Community Trust in New Zealand, which promotes biodynamic and organic production.
  • Supporting the set up football schools to benefit children in Sierra Leone.
  • Egg donations to schools, orphanages and hospitals around the world, including: India, Mexico, Columbia, Barbados, Thailand, Italy, Finland and the Czech Republic.
  • Donating more than 3 million eggs to help the people of Haiti following the Haiti earthquake.
  • Establishing an egg production facility in Mozambique to provide a profitable, sustainable food supply for the region.
  • Over 50 million eggs are donated every year to charities, hunger relief programmes and food banks throughout the world.

Eggs can make a huge difference; they are an excellent source of protein, minerals and vitamins. The egg industry is committed to its Corporate Social Responsibility, and making sure people throughout the world have access to a sustainable, good quality food supply.
You can make a huge difference. Remember every time you eat eggs, as well as eating good – you’re doing good.