Eggs are a natural and one of the highest quality proteins of any food available. One egg provides more than 6 grams of protein (13% of the recommended Daily Value).

The protein quality within an egg is so high that the scientists often use eggs as the standard for measuring the protein quality of other foods. Dietary protein intake influences muscle mass, strength and function in people of all ages.

The 6g of high-quality protein found in eggs can help active individuals preserve muscle, prevent muscle loss and maximum muscle repair.

For how long are eggs good?

We recommend that you consume eggs within two weeks after the date stamped on the end of the carton for the highest quality and freshest taste. Egg dating is not exact and is influenced by how eggs are stored.  For the best quality, keep eggs refrigerated in the original carton. 

How should eggs be stored?

Egg shells contain as many as 17,000 pores, through which the egg can absorb flavours and odours.  Storing eggs in the original cartons helps to keep them fresh. Eggs should always be refrigerated; an egg will age more in one day at room temperature than in an entire week in the refrigerator.

Why are some hard cooked eggs difficult to peel?

Fresh eggs are more difficult to peel after they are boiled. Eggs kept in the refrigerator for a week to ten days before boiling will peel more easily. Hard-boiled eggs are usually good for up to one week after they have been hard boiled, as long as the shell is not cracked.

Also known as egg white. The colour is opalescent and doesn’t appear white until the egg is beaten or cooked.

Occasionally found in an egg yolk. This does not indicate a fertilized egg, but are rather caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface during formation of the egg.

A fat-like substance found in every living cell in your body. Cholesterol is essential for life. Research have shown that eggs do not have a significant impact on blood cholesterol levels, so it is not necessary to avoid egg yolks and you can use egg whites freely.

Also known as stuffed eggs. The yolks are removed from the whites, mixed with ex. Mayonnaise and the piled back into the whites.

The contents of raw shell eggs may contain the bacteria Salmonella Enteritidis, but common food-safety practices can reduce the risk of illness. Use only refrigerated, clean, uncracked, fresh Grade 1 eggs.

A large egg contains 5g of fat, about 1.5g of saturated fat and 2.6 grams of unsaturated fat.

In the grading process, eggs are examined for both interior and exterior quality before they are sorted according to weight / size.

Because birds preceded man in the evolutionary chin, both eggs and birds have existed longer than historians.

Lutein is considered a carotenoid called xanthopyl or yellow-orange plant pigments. These carotenoids have been shown to reduce the risk of cataracts and muscular degeneration – the leading cause of blindness in those 65 and older. A large egg yolk contain 252 mcg of lutein.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential components of the diet because your body can’t make them from the foods you eat. Eggs contain a natural occurring omega 3 fatty acid, on average about 30 mg per egg.

A large egg provides 6.29g of high- quality complete protein. Eggs are therefore classified with meat in the Protein Foods Group.

It is best to store your eggs on the inside shelf of the refrigerator. Eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than one week in the refrigerator.

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