The Wolma pack station operates 6 days a week with Food Safety policy’s in order to ensure that only good quality eggs are sent into various markets.

At Wolma Poultry we greatly care about our flocks and it is therefore of great importance that we control and manage factors impacting on their health and disease status.

Our team is supportive of each other’s efforts, loyal to one another, and care for each other both personally and professionally.
Equipment & Vehicles
All vehicles and equipment are disinfected through fumigation or spray disinfection.
Predators and Wild Birds
Bird proofing measures have been implemented to make it uncomfortable for wild birds to enter our farms.

Only essential and authorized visits will be allowed and all visitors are required to complete the Visitors Register and Questionnaire upon entering the farm. It is also compulsory for visitors to follow the Shower Work Instruction on entering and exiting the clean area to the farm.
Adhering to the above mentioned Bio-Security measures is a top priority at Wolma in order to ensure that our clients are provided with safe, top quality products.
Footbaths are placed at every poultry house entrance and storage area, and contains a disinfectant liquid which should be used by all staff and visitors upon entering and exiting these areas.
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